Our goal in this organization is to help stop the rising temperatures across the plane. We noticed that
this is an important problem to focus on since we do not want to endanger our new planet with the same
issue. This problem does not only have the potential into ruining our fuuture society on Mars, but aswell
as the growing society here on earth. Solving this community issue can help increase the likelyhood of
growing our population on Mars.
Our chossen organization for this act in the community issue is the alience for climate change on their website, acespace.org.
This organization includes information on global warmming and information on how they
solve the problem.
If you would like to contact our choosen
organiztion to sponser
nuworld, their
information is, 617-274-8835. If you would like to contact the website through their mailing address it is, 529 Main Street
Suite 200 Charlestown, MA 02129. To further investigate, their website is on this link,